Jigawa State Teachers Recruitment 2023/2024 List of Shortlisted Candidates and Aptitude Test Date
The Jigawa State government has recently conducted fresh recruitment into various teaching positions in the state and the Jigawa State Ministry of Education Science and Technology have recently announced the date of commencement of the Aptitude test for all shortlisted candidates in the state. If you are one of the applicants, here is all you need to know about the aptitude test.
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List of Shortlisted Candidates for Jigawa State Teachers Recruitment 2023
All applicants who submitted their application forms for the state’s teachers’ recruitment are hereby informed that the list of shortlisted candidates for the recruitment has been released and all applicants can now check their names offline by visiting the following location;
- All applicants can check their names at the nearest Zonal Education offices throughout the state.
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Aptitude Test Date
Jigawa State Ministry of Education Science and Technology will conduct an aptitude test for the recruitment of teachers into senior secondary schools under the “J_Teach Program.”
The ministry is therefore informing indigenes of the state who possessed a degree qualification and submitted their credentials for the program to check their names at their nearest Zonal Education offices.
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The aptitude test will hold as follows;
The aptitude test is scheduled to take place at Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa.
- Date 8th April 2023
- Time_9:00am
Note: Only those whose names appeared on the list will be allowed to sit for the aptitude test.
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